I was extremly pleased to read the Scottish Government is to spend £13.4 million on providing co-ordinators to provide advice, information and support to people with Autism.

(“£13.4m investment offers hope for autism sufferers”, The Herald November 3).

I wish to point out how worthwhile this will be.

Having experienced an autistic spectrum disorder first hand, I am well aware of the heartbreak, trauma and anguish it brings to both those affected and their families and friends.

It can feel for all concerned as if there there is no hope.

People on the autistic spectrum are susceptible to taunting or bullying from those who do not understand the condition, as so many people believe autistic disorders are not physical illnesses and fail to offer sympathy and understanding.

However, as many sufferers point out, it is not the end of the world.

These proposals will enable those affected by autism to tackle situations in everyday life, where others have no problem, in their own time and using strategies adapted for them.

John G McMenemy,

Braeside Avenue,
