IN less enlightened times the fairies of the Highlands and Islands were reputed to ride around on sticks of ragwort (Letters, September 12 & 17).

Then in the 16th and 17th centuries witches also "travelled first-class" on Ragwort sticks. Robert Burns wrote:

Let warlocks grim, an' wither'd hags,

Tell how wi' you on Ragweed nags,

They skim the muirs an' dizzy crags

Wi' wicked speed.

It is also interesting to read that ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea) was used as a treatment for hayfever and as a general tonic. It was also made into a lotion for the treatment of skin complaints in animals.

It hasn't always had such a bad reputation. Modern man has just forgotten its old herbal usage.

Thelma Edwards,

