I AM curious about the recent £1.7 billion takeover by Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank of Virgin Money, and the intended re-branding of the combined bank as Virgin ("Clydesdale Bank owners complete £1.7bn Virgin deal", The Herald, October 19).

Having accounts in both banks I cannot understand how this acquisition by Clydesdale ties in with its policy of closing so many branches in recent years.

As I understand, the logic behind the takeover, and the intended use of the Virgin bank name, is to create a higher profile for the combined bank and lead to rapid growth.

Currently my nearest Virgin Money is a small, shop-like branch in Giffnock involving a 66-mile round trip from my home.

Meanwhile Clydesdale recently closed its Prestwick Branch, now a Costa Coffee. Prestwick has a population of 15,000.

In fairness RBS and BoS also closed their branches in the town and the only bank left is a small TSB branch.

With the Virgin brand designed to encourage growth and private deposits (interest rates are likely to rise) are we going to see a rapid rise of bank branch openings?

Watch this space.

John Ewing,

Fairfield Park, Ayr.