SO Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing believes that there is likely to be a surge in staycation holidays by Scots ("Tourism is braced for a Scots ‘staycation stampede’", The Herald, May 15).

Perhaps he can now explain exactly what they are going to do with themselves when, at the rate things are progressing, there are likely to be very few restaurants, pubs and hotels left in the tourist areas to cater for their needs. The Scottish scenery is truly magnificent, but you can't eat or drink it.

The Scottish Government's response to coronavirus was slow and the emergence of any information to the public regarding a meaningful plan to ease lockdown is even slower. The tourism industry needs to have some idea now of what lies ahead if it is to survive and not vague predictions of good times to come from Mr Ewing.

We've been told ad nauseam for weeks now that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Well, all I can surmise is that it must be an exceedingly long tunnel and a very dim light.

David Henderson, Glasgow G12.

PERHAPS it's thanks to all this talk of pending staycations that I find that favourite old melody, Fly Me To Dunoon, running through my mind at this time.

Ian Sommerville, Largs.

Clock the dandelions

WHILST thoroughly enjoying the stunning displays of blossom, bluebells, rhoddies and azaleas on my mandatory perambulations around the neighbourhood, I wonder if others have also noticed the dazzling display of dandelions? I can't remember such vivid colour, especially from those which, amongst other weeds, proliferate from our street gutters and cracked pavements!

Lesley Mackiggan, Glasgow G12.

I swear by golf

I THANK Gilbert MacKay (Letters, May 15), who, having escaped the tyranny of divot digging and missed putts, has kindly offered 300 golf balls for my misuse, but decline on the grounds that explaining to the travel bobbies that I am sourcing golf balls might currently be deemed frivolous, and that too much of a good thing could make an old “swinger” like myself more profligate in my pursuit of mastery.

Where I differ from Mr and Mrs MacKay is that I find expletives, used sparingly but with conviction, afford focus and relief in the course of a round. That, and occasionally sinking a 20-footer for (let’s not exaggerate) a bogey.

R Russell Smith, Kilbirnie.

And now…

THE recent letters concerning the repeated use of the word "unprecedented" (May 14 & 15) reminded me of a challenge my father gave me when I was a boy. It was to write a meaningful sentence containing five consecutive appearances of the word "and". Needless to say I failed. the answer is contained int the following passage:

A painter made a sign for a pub, The Pig and Whistle, but he messed up.

He left out the space between Pig and "and" and "and" and Whistle.

Ronnie McMillan, Milngavie.

STEVE Brennan (Letters, May 16) asks about the use of the expression " triple treble" in relation to Scottish football.

I have discovered that a triple treble is a crochet stitch, but am struggling to connect crochet with Scottish football. On the other hand, as a supporter of our great game for 75 years, I do wonder whether some of the current participants might be better engaged in learning the art of crochet.

David Miller, Milngavie.