JACK House, the Evening Times’s star features writer, had fond memories of his times in the Scouts: after all, they dated back to the 1920s.

He had been a member of the 37th Glasgow (Regent Place) troop, and in August 1924 they took part in the world’s first Jamboree, at Wembley, during the Empire Exhibition.

“All Scottish Scouts who went to Wembley,” Jack told his readers in April 1957, “were instructed to wear the kilt, and there was a terrific run on Millett’s in Glasgow for Army surplus”. They all wore thistles in their hats – but thistles, it was quickly discovered, hardly last at all after they have been plucked.

Nevertheless, he added, the Scottish Scouts were the hit of the whole Jamboree. “It was partly the kilt and partly the arena show that Scotland put on in the Wembley Stadium.

“It was a simple show, but it was an eye-opener to the Empire Exhibition audiences. They’d seen displays by the English, the Irish, the South Africans, the Canadians, the Australians, and all the rest of them.

“Then, all of a sudden, there was a terrific blast of sound and a Rover Scout pipe band, more than 100 strong, swung into the arena and marched into the centre of the field”.

They stopped playing, whereupon a thousand kilted Scouts ran onto the field, cheering their heads off; “they formed up as two 32-somes, four 16-somes, and innumerable eightsomes. Off went the pipers into the eightsome reel, and the whole arena seemed to dance.

“Even today, after all these years, wee tears of pride come to my eyes as I recall the magnificent sound and sight, and the amazing ovation that the Wembley Stadium audience gave the Scottish show”.

Tomorrow: More of Jack’s memories of his time in the Scouts

Read more: Herald Diary