JOANNA Cherry has criticised UK Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey in a spat over seats in the House of Commons. 

The SNP MP said Mr Davey had made her give up her seat for him at Prime Minister's Questions in a "forceful manner". 

Writing on Twitter, Ms Cherry said: "There are no reserved seats in @HouseofCommons at present yet Ed Davey just made me give up my seat for him at #PMQs in a v forceful manner. 

"I’ve had a gut-full of unacceptable behaviour from other parliamentarians recently & I’m taking it up with the Speaker.

"Presumably Ed Davey got the memo that on account of my gender critical views I’m fair game for nasty behaviour & no one, including my own party, will defend me. It’s intolerable."

A spokesman for the LibDems rejected any suggestion Mr Davey had behaved in a "forceful manner".

He said: “Ed had a polite exchange with Joanna, who did not have a PMQ.

"Ed asked her to let him sit in the place that the smaller parties always ask their question from.

"Current guidance for physical participation in the chamber suggests that call lists should be used to help limit numbers to assist with social distancing.

"Joanna had neither a question for the previous session nor PMQs.  

"To call this a storm in a teacup would be a dramatic escalation from what actually took place.”

Ms Cherry has clashed with colleagues over transgender issues. 

Earlier this year, she was sacked from the SNP frontbench in Westminster.

She previously said she was subjected to "an 18-month campaign of social media lies, smears and foul-mouthed abuse directed at me from a number of mainly young men within the party who seem to have a problem with middle-aged lesbians who support women's sex-based rights".

The SNP has been approached for comment.