Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross will describe First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as “detached from working class communities” in a speech later.

Mr Ross will speak at a Scottish Conservative fringe event at the Tory party conference on Sunday, which is being held in Manchester, with some elements online.

He is expected to say that Holyrood “ignores” and “belittles” the values of working class people and that many communities have been left “scarred by drug deaths and marred by all the other failings that her government is too distracted to tackle.”

Mr Ross will argue that the Scottish Conservatives are the only party to represent the working classes against the “cosy Holyrood consensus” on issues like free speech and fair justice.

Mr Ross will say: “Working class people across Scotland look to Holyrood and see a Scottish Parliament that does not represent them. That largely ignores them and belittles their values.

“There is a representation gap for working people. Until recently, many of them had turned away from politics entirely.

“They used to have a party to vote for – but it left them behind years ago.

“My party will not look backwards. We are looking forward, to the next wall to fall.

“It won’t be red this time. It will be SNP yellow.

“Nicola Sturgeon has become detached from working class communities scarred by drug deaths and marred by all the other failings that her government is too distracted to tackle.

“She has become out of touch, talking down to everyone who doesn’t speak at her supposedly higher level of intelligence.

“No government for working people would bring in the Hate Crime Act.

“No government for working people would ever treat crack cocaine less seriously than littering.

“No government for working people would mess football fans and clubs around with a shambolic vaccine passport plan.

“There is once again a party standing up for working people.

“Even if we have to do it alone against the cosy Holyrood consensus, which we will. And even if the SNP try to isolate us at every turn, which they will.”