THE CROWN Office has launched an investigation into claims of perjury committed during Alex Salmond’s criminal trial. 

According to the Sunday Mail, the former first minister’s lawyers have written to prosecutors over concerns that evidence given in court contradicted statements later given to MSPs on a Holyrood inquiry.

In March 2020, Mr Salmond was found not guilty on 12 of the sexual assault charges facing him, while another was found not proven.

A further charge of sexually assaulting a 10th woman was dropped by prosecutors.

Following his court case, MSPs resumed their investigation into the Scottish Government’s flawed probe into allegations of misconduct made against Mr Salmond by two civil servants.

He had the exercise set aside in January 2019, with a judicial review declaring it “unlawful” and “tainted by bias”. The Government’s botched handling ultimately cost the taxpayer half a million pounds.

According to the Sunday Mail, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) has appointed an independent QC to probe the claims of perjury, along with a senior prosecutor.

A COPFS spokesman told the paper: “Correspondence from Mr Salmond’s solicitor has been received and will be responded to in due course.

“As is standard practice in any case regarding politicians, this will be dealt with by a procurator fiscal and independent Crown Counsel without the involvement of the Law Officers.”

The paper also says a police probe into leaks to journalists concerning Mr Salmond’s case has been codenamed Operation Newbiggin, with several people interviewed.

Mr Salmond told the paper: “I welcome the inquiries and will do everything I can to assist.

“The criminal investigations must be allowed to take their course before any other action is taken.”