Boris Johnson has ruled out calling an early General Election in an interview on Friday. 

It comes amid repeated speculation that the Prime Minister may be gearing up for such a move.

However, asked in an interview on LBC whether the idea of an early election is "ridiculous", Mr Johnson replied: “Totally, totally.”

He said: “What my job is, is to talk about the Government’s agenda, to talk about policy, to talk about the UK, to talk about how we’re fixing the cost-of-living problems, the cost-of-living crisis, talk about everything we’re doing to strengthen the UK economy, our plan for a stronger economy, which is what I believe in.

“Talk about levelling up, the agenda for taking this country forward. That’s what I want. That’s what I’m actually meant to talk about.”

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He declined to say whether he has two years or two months left as Prime Minister, saying: “I’m going to deliver on our programme.”

Speaking to reporters at the Nato summit in Madrid on Thursday, Mr Johnson repeatedly failed to rule out the prospect of going to the country before the next scheduled election in 2024.

He has claimed he has a new mandate at Westminster following his victory in the confidence vote, despite 41% of his MPs deciding he should go, and was asked whether he will also seek a fresh mandate from the country.

“The idea hadn’t occurred to me,” he said.

The Prime Minister is also facing trouble within party ranks amid calls to expel the former Tory deputy chief whip from the party after he dramatically quit following a drunken incident.

Chris Pincher said he had “embarrassed myself and other people” after having had “far too much” to drink.

This could trigger a by-election in his Tamworth seat.