COUNCILLORS in South Lanarkshire have clashed over plans to fly flags outside the authority's Hamilton HQ. 

Tory and LibDem members will today bring a motion to the full council calling for a “locally determined protocol governing the use” of the three flagpoles outside the modernist tower block said to be inspired by the UN building in New York.

They want the “Union flag, Saltire and South Lanarkshire flag be flown from flagpoles at Council Headquarters as a standard practice” with “deviation from this standard practice" allowed for "commemorations, causes and other events.”

The SNP questioned why councillors were debating flags when locals were “worried about how they will heat their homes and feed children this winter.”

They pointed out that the SNP had brought forward motions on menstruation support and providing warmbanks, while the Greens were looking to discuss pension investments and fossil fuels.

Labour, they added, had brought nothing, while the Tories and Lib Dems wanted to talk about flags.

But the motion’s Tory proposer told The Herald the criticism was “disingenous” and that supporting people with the cost of living crisis was the authority’s “top priority.”

South Lanarkshire is currently run by a Labour-Lib Dem coalition. Before May's election it had been run by a minority SNP administration.

An SNP source said there was no need to change the existing flag rules: "This ridiculous Motion brought forward by the Tories and Lib Dems demonstrates just how out of touch they are, which is worrying as Lib Dems are clearly an influential partner in the Labour/ Lib Dem coalition administration.

“People in South Lanarkshire are worried about how they will heat their homes and feed children this winter not which flags are being flown outside council buildings.

“The current flag flying protocol is respectful of the diversity of our community and reflects the Council’s equalities policies.“

Kenny McCreary, the Tory councillor bringing the motion to council, disagreed.

“The motion put forward in no way undermines the council’s ability to focus on the cost-of-living crisis and indeed we will be discussing Warmbanks at the same meeting.

“Supporting people across South Lanarkshire who are struggling with rising bills is of course our top priority right now.

“It is disappointing the SNP have taken this stance regarding my motion, especially when part of it would ensure our HQ is flying the Ukrainian flag as they continue to deal with Putin’s barbaric invasion.”

Norman Rae, the Lib Dem councillor seconding the motion, said South Lanarkshire Council has three flag poles at their council HQ and that it was “difficult to understand why we do not routinely fly the Union flag, the Saltire and the council’s own flag, representing our community, Scottish and United Kingdom identities.”

He added: “Most people would regard that as reasonable, sensible and inclusive.

“Neither the Scottish nor the UK Government flag protocols are satisfactory for non-government buildings which is why we are developing our own which will include provision for special events like Pride or Armed Forces Day.

“It is important that our actions and our public face are seen to be inclusive, not least at a time when issues of identity and our constitutional status provide regular causes for division.

“I am disappointed by the SNP criticism. Our new administration adopted a significant package of cost of living initiatives at its recent executive meeting to help people in South Lanarkshire, and is spending a lot of time trying to cope with the effects of SNP funding cuts on our services.”

The 17-storey concrete HQ was opened by the late Queen Mother in 1964.

While architect David Gordon Bannerman never actually stated that he was inspired by Oscar Niemeyer's design for the UN Building, many people who work in the building are convinced of the resemblance.