Labour has emerged from its annual conference in fine fettle, full of confidence that it is about to win power both at Westminster and Holyrood.

The air of positivity was underlined yesterday in an analysis article by Political Correspondent Kathleen Nutt, who highlighted the impact recent events in Scotland have had on the week’s proceedings.

Read her article here👈

Today, however, a former Labour voter asserts that the party’s transformation has been at the expense of some of its old values.

Willie Maclean of Milngavie writes:

"Listening to speakers at the Labour Party conference I could not believe that this was the party I supported faithfully for many years before I realised that my nationality was Scottish rather than British and that the political climate south of the Border was one that was threatening to the future wellbeing of our Scottish nation.

First we had David Lammy pledging unqualified support for Israel’s right to defend its territory without a word of concern for the plight of the people of Gaza who live in a prison created by the circumstances through which that Israeli territory was gained.

Next we were assured that Labour had no plans to tax wealth but that it would have “fair” taxation. This presumably refers to the taxation of earned income, which is anything but fair. The first tranche of earned income is free of income tax, allowing employers to get away with paying poverty wages. This is followed by progressively increasing tax rates on higher income bands, meaning that higher earners have to pay the tax unpaid by low earners. Surely fair taxation would tax all earned income at the same rate, removing the tax wall which makes it so unattractive for early retirees to return to the labour force to fill vitally important vacancies and for NHS staff to volunteer for overtime as envisaged in Labour’s latest plans. The focus on economic growth made no reference to the importance of eliminating the poverty wages which require higher earners to fund the in-work benefits and other handouts paid to their less fortunate fellow workers. The tax burden should be shifted from earned income to wealth and unearned income.

Keir Starmer blamed the Tories for bringing about Brexit without a plan; he clearly forgot to mention that his own party was equally culpable in that respect. There was no mention of the disastrous effect of Brexit on the Scottish economy and labour force shortages.

It looks like Labour’s promises amount to nothing more than an ambition to be better and more sweet-smelling Tories than the present lot."

What do you think? Write to with your response!