DYLAN VIAGAS will get the chance to meet his Liverpool hero for a second time when Rangers return to Gibraltar.

But the Lincoln Red Imps chairman insists he will only focus on wrecking Steven Gerrard's Europa League dreams later this month.

Gerrard got a heroes welcome when the Gers travelled to The Rock and saw off St Joseph's in first qualifying round action last term.

Now his side will face the minnows that famously conquered Celtic as chairman Viagas sets his sights on a memorable Old Firm double.

Viagas said: "I am a massive Liverpool fan and I had the privilege to meet him when he was here last year. For me personally, it would be big to maybe meet him again and I know my kids want for me to arrange to meet him as well.

"It is an honour to have him here but at the end of the day, when the whistle goes there is only one thing in my mind and that is for us to get a win.

"He will get the reception that he deserves, there are plenty of Liverpool fans in Gibraltar and they will want to see him.

"With the Covid restrictions, there won’t be any people here and will be more difficult for people to see him. I remember vividly in my mind the final whistle of the St Joseph’s game and all the kids rushed to the centre of the pitch to see him.

"He had the humbleness to have all the kids together in the centre-circle and have a picture with them.

"That shows you what kind of guy he is. He will be welcomed here, but once the whistle goes there will only be one thing in our minds and that is for us to win the game."