EVEN in victory, there are still concerns and criticisms. That speaks to the standards that Rangers have set, but also to the demands of a support and a club that must never stand still.

There was little joy to be taken from the 1-0 win over Alashkert on Thursday evening. The result was a positive, but there were few others gathered and the dark cloud continues to linger over Ibrox.

The defeats to Dundee United and Malmo still cast a shadow and Steven Gerrard's side find themselves under scrutiny just weeks into the campaign. At Rangers, that is just life.

It is a fact that Leon Balogun acknowledges and understands, one that his team-mates cannot shy away from as they seek to kick-start a season that has delivered little so far.

The trip to Ross County on Sunday is followed by the gruelling journey to Yerevan. Next weekend, Celtic are the visitors for the first Old Firm game of the new term.

Even at this early stage, that hat-trick of fixtures has a potentially defining look about it and further stumbles at home and abroad would not be tolerated.

"We have to be honest," Balogun said. "If you look at our recent performances it wasn't the face we wanted to show.

"It needs improvement. It's clear for everyone to see.

"There is no need to sugarcoat that. That's the challenge at the moment for us and we need to focus on that.

"The good thing is there is a game coming round the corner on Sunday and that's a chance to get back to the old ways.

"If we knew the exact reason we would just turn it off like that.

"There lies the challenge that we need to face. There is no point hiding from that.

"Criticism will come and we have to face it, put performances in again and get our standards up to the level. There is a reason why expectation is there after last season.

"If you do what we did, it's normal. It's about dealing with that but not putting too much pressure on ourselves.

"At the end of the day, we know what we are capable of and we need to work on that to get confidence back. Sunday is the next chance to make steps towards that goal."

The goal from Alfredo Morelos that earned Rangers a first leg lead in their play-off tie should be enough to take Gerrard's side into the group stages of the Europa League for a fourth consecutive season.

It was one of the few moments of quality from the champions as the striker finished emphatically after collecting a dinked ball from captain James Tavernier.

Rangers would raise their levels after the break. They would still fall short of the desired standards, however, and Gerrard's assessment left no doubts about his feelings on the performance and the result.

Balogun said: "We have to be like that. In the second half there definitely was an improvement.

"There was a reaction and it's something we have to use as we showed ourselves that we can play everyone, and we first and foremost, want us to.

"It's about finding consistency because it's fair to say that we haven't put up a 90-minute performance yet. We owe that to ourselves but also our supporters.

"One thing I’ve always been told is that you don’t speak about what’s happening in the dressing room.

"But I think it’s clear that we need to sort things out. You can see that on the pitch.

"We spoke about the performances so far this season and we definitely need to step up and raise our levels. We need to do whatever needs to be done to make that happen."

Before the issues that have plagued Rangers this term can be rectified, they must first be identified. That process is ongoing at Ibrox and County are now aiming to add to Rangers' woes.

A lack of intensity was clear on Thursday night and Gerrard didn't hold back in a sharp, to the point overview of where his side went wrong against Alashkert.

There was an urgency in the way that Rangers operated, both with and without the ball, during their 55 winning campaign. To date, that approach has rarely been replicated as the champions have failed to pick up where they left off.

Balogun said: "As I said before, we have to work on it. I don’t think there is a complete lack of that because we have had it in games but not over 90 minutes.

"One thing is a question of consistency. And probably one of focus as well. But it’s fair to say there is a lack of that (pace in play) at the moment. It needs to be turned around.

"I couldn’t pinpoint it. That’s what we have to figure out and sort out.

"I cannot say it is this reason or that reason. That’s what needs figuring out - ASAP.

"Sunday is our next best opportunity to make that point and show it to our supporters. And also to ourselves.

"We owe it, not just to ourselves but to the supporters as well."