MOTHERWELL manager Stuart Kettlewell says a lengthy VAR delay was worth it to see a penalty awarded against his side overturned, as he insisted the officiating team got the call to reverse their decision spot on.

Ross County boss Malky Mackay was furious with two VAR decisions that went against his side, but while opposite number Kettlewell agreed that the decision-making process needs ironed out, he believed that ultimately referee Euan Anderson ultimately called both penalty incidents correctly.

In fact, he thought Motherwell should have had a spot-kick earlier in the match for a County handball that was missed by VAR.

“I’m delighted they took the time over the Calum Butcher one because it’s absolutely brilliant defending, he gets a touch on the ball and you can see it change direction,” Kettlewell said. “So, correct call.

“Then the bit that comes at the end. I think it comes off the hand of (Dylan) Smith and then another defender in the lead-up to our penalty.

“I was frustrated in the first half [with the other handball] because I’ve seen them given as penalties constantly. Then it comes in the second half, whether it’s a slice of luck or the correct decision then I don’t think any of us know.

“But generally, if it’s heading towards goal or there’s a clear opportunity and it comes off a hand then it seems to be a penalty, and I thought we missed one in the first half and got the one at the end, which I thought the players deserved.

“I’m not trying to use it as a stick to beat anyone over the head. I think there has been a level of inconsistency. I’m a little confused when I saw it at half time, I felt 100 per cent Dan Casey’s [shot] is a situation I’ve seen given as a penalty. Then the one at the end of the game to the naked eye I don’t know if anyone sees it, but when you watch it back you see it come off the hand.

“It’s a tough gig. The guys in VAR HQ and on the pitch - I know they are trying to be fair and honest. It’s just such a difficult decision-making process that I think needs capped with ‘we are doing this and we are sticking with it and not wavering’.”