Tam McManus reckons Elie Youan will go on to make Hibernian £5m in the future or he will leave for free.

The former Easter Road attacker believes 2-2 draw with Hearts at Tynecastle last weekend summed up the 24-year-old. 

Youan was totally anonymous during the first half, but in the second he scored twice within 83 seconds to secure a memorable comeback for Hibs in Gorgie.

And McManus is of the belief that Youan will either make his old club a fortune or not a single penny.

He wrote in his Daily Record column: "There was a guy at Dunfermline back in the day called Adam Hammill. He was a wide player on loan from Liverpool and there were occasions in training when I thought he was the best player I have shared a dressing room with – out of this world, ability to die for and pace to burn.

"From one day to the next he went from the best ever to wondering how on earth he was a professional footballer never mind being at Liverpool or getting a game for Dunfermline.

"Adam crossed my mind when I watched Elie Youan stink Tynecastle out with his first-half display before turning it on and scoring twice to rescue a point for Hibs at the weekend.

"The potential is there and it’s down to him to fulfil it, he’s still only 24 and it’s all ahead of him. Youan will either make Hibs £5million or not a single penny. From one game to the next he goes from class act to chump. He hardly touched the ball in the first half against Hearts and must have been on the verge of being hooked. But it was night and day after the interval.

"Wingers by the very nature of how they play can blow hot and cold, Youan must discover some consistency and continue to catch fire when it matters. The derby draw at Tynecastle told a story and it’s a hugely positive one for new manager Nick Montgomery.

"Hibs were miles off being at their best but they didn’t get beaten. It was a huge sign of the impact he has made. In all honesty I feared the worst, they were terrible in the first half, absolutely shocking.

"Hearts could have been and should have been three or four goals up. Then Montgomery made a few adjustments and booted a few arses at half-time and the transformation was clear to see.

"It was nowhere near as good as the performances they’ve been putting in under the new man but to come out and claim a draw spoke volumes for where the team is now. To go two goals down in Gorgie and come back to draw 2-2 is a fantastic sign.

"It highlights the steel and bit of stubbornness he’s put into the team in the short time he’s been there. If that was a Lee Johnson side then they are leaving Tynecastle on the back of a four or five-goal hiding. They would have sunk without trace.

"It seems Montgomery bared his fangs at half-time. Martin Boyle has said the manager absolutely roasted a few boys and that was also good to hear. Youan was one of his targets and you need to be able to do that as a manager, you need to fire some rockets up a few backsides to get them going and he clearly did that.

"The only time I can recall Hibs coming back from two down to Hearts was in a Scottish Cup tie when Jason Cummings and Paul Hanlon scored and they went on to lift the trophy. This was a really good example of a side with grit and determination. That’s what Montgomery had as a player and it’s starting to seep into the team."