The Foundation of Hearts has today announced more than £16million has been received in pledges.

The supporters group is the club's majority shareholders and has smashed through the £16m mark.

The foundation has funnelled huge amounts into club coffers since the club became fan-owned back in 2014.

A short statement read: "This month we clocked up more than £16million of pledges. 

"Thank you to all co-owners for their fantastic support."

In the recent club accounts for the 2022/23 season, the Foundation of Hearts contributed in the region of £1.6m.

While FoH has now surpassed another major fundraising milestone, chairman Gerry Mallon has revealed his ambition to have 15,000 pledgers by the end of next year. Currently, the Foundation of Hearts have around 9,000 backers.

Should the pledge target be met then it's hoped "north of £2m" can be contributed to the club each year.

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Speaking to the Hearts Standard, Mallon explained: “Our ambition is, by the end of next year because it is our 150th anniversary, to go from just shy of 9,000 pledgers to take it to 15,000 pledgers.

“We want to take the pledges from £1.5million a year to certainly north of £2million. If we can make £2.5million by the end of next year that’s where we want to get to.

“We think there is a huge amount more potential, particularly off the back of the success the club is having, to allow more people to feel like they are an owner. I think we will talk less and less about pledgers and talk more and more about owners.”