Philippe Clement has called for clarity on the handball rule as he questioned a "grey area" leading to footballers playing like penguins in the penalty box.

The Ibrox manager had been left inquisitive after a penalty awarded against his side in the win over Kilmarnock with a later incident not resulting in a spot-kick.

And Clement reckons recent UEFA and FIFA decisions have made it more difficult for referees or VAR decisions with the complex handball rules.

The solution? Well, Clement is confident regular meetings between clubs and officials - outside of tense sideline discussions - would be beneficial for both parties even if it wouldn't ensure unanimous agreements on subjective calls.

"No I didn't," said Clement on whether he had any discussions with the Scottish FA over VAR. "It has been really busy. We're only 48 hours after that game and it goes really fast.

"I hope for the future there can be more clarity about things because I know there are decisions made in a grey zone. I don't think with the handball rule it has become easier for the referees or VAR.

"It has become more difficult, the way it's decided by UEFA or FIFA. That's why it's important there's more clarity because my job is to explain to my players what they can do or not do on a pitch and what is handball.

"If they feel there is injustice then we have a problem, I don't say that is the case but it needs to be really clear and afterwards also what is handball or not.

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"I don't think it's good for the game if all the players start running around with their hands on their back as you see already, even then sometimes it's handball.

"You cannot turn or defend like this. It's not good for the game that they run around like penguins.

"If we can get in the future more contact together outside the stress and tensions with referees to discuss things, I think it will be beneficial for both guys."

Meanwhile, Clement has confirmed Rangers face an injury sweat over Oscar Cortes with the winger subbed off against Kilmarnock with a muscle injury.

The January transfer signing is visiting specialists to diagnose the issue with Clement refusing to put any timescale or verdict on the injury problem.

"Oscar will be out, I don't know how long," he said. "We're looking into that with the doctor and specialist so I cannot say anything about that for the moment.

"Kemar is back in the squad because it's a normal pitch tomorrow and Ryan Jack also trained in the last couple of days so he's in contention for the squad.

"It's a muscle injury but I cannot say much more for the moment."