KEEPING active is the key to good health, particularly as we grow

older, yet fitness regimes are designed for the athletic young.

But Elle Gordon and Leonie Goodman, an enterprising pair of business

women, recognised this niche in the market. So a year ago they launched

Young at Heart exercise clubs designed specifically for older women.

Today these clubs meet weekly in community centres throughout Glasgow,

reaching women who would feel inhibited from going along to a standard

aerobic class. The emphasis is on total well-being as well as being fit

at 50-plus.

''We have many older women who would feel intimidated by the

razzmatazz of a standard aerobic class,'' says Elle. ''Also we get some

overweight women in their 20's and 30's who don't want a strenuous class

along with those who want to exercise but have some medical problem.''

The programme has been developed in conjunction with a team of

specialists, and the result is a carefully tailored exercise regime that

can be adapted to all levels of fitness.

Elle, an English woman married to a Scot, has worked in America for a

number of years. ''The emphasis these days is on total fitness, not just

aerobic, and this is especially important in the more mature woman.''

Time is also allocated in each session to stretching and strengthening

exercises designed specifically to help prevent osteoporisis, or

thinning of the bones.

Part of the fitness package includes special seminars on nutrition,

skin care and aromatherapy.

''Many of our women would feel intimidated going to a standard

aerobics class,'' added Elle, aged 35, and her business partner, Leonie

Goodman, 40.

The exercise clubs are based in Glasgow but Elle plans to expand

throughout Scotland on a franchise basis and she is interested in

hearing from suitably qualified instructors.

There is a growing demand for similar fitness classes for men too.

''We believe this is another neglected growth area,'' says Elle. They

open the first fitness class for men of 50-plus in a few weeks at

Giffnock Bowling Club.

''The emphasis here will be on fitness for sport, particularly bowling

and golf,'' added Elle.

Weekly Young at Heart exercise classes are held in the

following community centres: Muirend Pavilion, Clarkston Hall,

Rhuallan House (Giffnock), Langside Hall (Shawlands), Fairweather Hall

(Newton Mearns), Duff Memorial Hall (Busby). Price #2 per session.

* For further information telephone Elle Gordon on 041-644 4491.