SCOTS are set to spend big on what's been dubbed Cyber Monday as retailers slash prices while small businesses urged consumers to shop locally and save their high streets.

With Black Friday already a distant memory, bargain hunters will join the online shopping frenzy from midnight tonight.

Director of the Scottish Retail Consortium, David Lonsdale, said: “Last year saw Scottish shoppers flock online – particularly on Cyber Monday – as they searched for the best bargains ahead of Christmas, with November 2016 being the best-ever month for online Scottish retail sales.

“We suspect that might be beaten this year as non-food sales continue to shift from physical to digital stores, and due to the continued squeeze on household incomes and greater focus on value.”

Stuart Mackinnon, External Affairs Manager at the Federation of Small Business, will launch the annual Small Business Saturday campaign on December 2.

He said: “We’re urging Scots to get down to their local high street and support their independent businesses – even on Cyber Monday.

“We know that there’s more competition than ever for consumer spending power – you’ve got a choice of the high street, a shopping centre and online – and we understand family budgets are under pressure, however, if Scots want healthy local high streets they’re going to have to use independent businesses.”

SNP MSP Ash Denham, who is a member of Holyrood’s Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee, has tabled a parliamentary motion in support of small businesses.