A Glasgow restaurant has implemented a new policy after a member of senior management allegedly threatened to deduct up to a week's worth of tips from staff if they 'failed to clean a microwave' or 'left a spoon in a tub'.

Yesterday afternoon, a spokesperson from Unite Hospitality shared an excerpt of a message which had been sent to employees at Oscar Bar and Kitchen in the city's Southside.

The post revealed a new 'tips scheme' which listed a number of costly deductions that would be made should staff fail to adhere to a set of stringent rules.

The Herald: Pictured: Oscar Bar and KitchenPictured: Oscar Bar and Kitchen (Image: Newsquest)

The text read: "Tips are a bonus.

"As that is the case we will be working off this system where not applying yourself properly to how the kitchen runs will result in a loss of tips."

The post went on to detail a £2 penalty for 'making me constantly have to repeat myself' and a £5 fine for 'failing to go through the fridges'.


Unite Hospitality publicly condemned the system as 'morally reprehensible', prompting urgent talks with the owner and manager at Oscar Bar and Kitchen who soon 'distanced' themselves from the senior management team member.

A spokesperson for Unite Hospitality said: "To deduct a week's worth of tips from workers for not carrying-out tasks is not just morally reprehensible, it would almost certainly fall foul of the new Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act which prohibits employers from making any such deductions and provides workers with the statutory right to pursue employers like this for missing tips and compensation of up to £5k."

"Following negotiations with both the owner of Oscars and the Head Chef who sent the message, we have made absolutely clear that unless they release a statement confirming a new Fair Tips policy ensuring that 100% of tips remain with staff, then we shall be escalating this dispute both legally and industrially."

As a result of a 'management meeting' and negotiations with Unite Hospitality, the owner of the Kilmarnock Road restaurant soon released a statement branding the tips scheme message 'ill-informed' and 'completely unacceptable' as they vowed to introduce a new system.


The statement read: "We would like to distance ourselves entirely from the post that was sent to workers by a senior management entitled "Tips Scheme".

"It was ill-informed and completely unacceptable.

"Our workforce are incredibly important to us and, as such, we have decided to adopt a new fair tips policy which will ensure that 100% of our all tips go directly to the workers who provide the great service our customers have come to expect.

"Not a penny of these tips will go to management and they will be shared fairly among all other workers according to the hours that they work.

"We welcome the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 and hope to work with Unite on all matters relating to the terms and conditions of our workers."