Bum deal

FOO Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins was a popular rocker and many fans will mourn his tragic death.

Some will also recall lighter moments in his presence. Scottish musician Simon Liddell met him when Hawkins was performing a solo show at Stereo in Glasgow.

“During set up he asked me to help him dry the ass sweat from his drum stool,” recalls Simon nostalgically. “Afterwards he called me ‘a legendary warrior of rock’… my finest moment.”

Sheepish response

YEARS ago, reader John Sword worked in the abattoir in Glasgow’s Duke Street, where the policy was to immediately alert the police if an animal escaped.

Once a sheep made a run for it, and the chap in charge, who just might have been imbibing fluids of the non-waterish variety, dutifully phoned the constabulary and informed them of the incident.

“Could you describe this sheep, sir?” said the cop on duty.

After a thoughtful pause the abattoir worker replied: “Well, it’s white and woolly and if you approach it, it’s likely to say, ‘Baaaa’.”

O meme miserum

THE Diary likes to get to bed early to enjoy quality time with its favourite teddy bear. So unfortunately we missed the feisty fracas at Sunday evening’s Oscars.

Reader Donna Noonan also missed the superstar slap, though read about it the following morning, and was tut-tutting about such unnecessary violence to her husband at the breakfast table.

“Have some compassion for the real victim,” replied her husband. “Instead of getting any work done at the office, I’ll spend the rest of the day obsessively watching Will Smith memes.”

Hot stuff

CULINARY inclined reader Ted Barker says: “Burning your mouth when you’re eating is when your food starts cooking you back.”

Mind your language

THE Spanish wife of reader Martin Dorman has decent English, though doesn’t get every word exactly right. The other day she struggled to express herself. “I need to buy tangerine,” she said, “with the trousers and the bib for doing gardening in.”

After minutes of bafflement, and citrus-fruit related queries, Martin realised what she meant.

His wife wanted to buy a new pair of… dungarees.

Taking the biscuit

AFTER enjoying a Chinese meal, reader Steve Minton opened his fortune cookie and read the message: “The heart is wiser than the intellect.”

“That means you’re an eejit,” explained his wife. “But a nice one.”

What a twit(ter)

“MY wife announced at breakfast she's leaving me because of my obsession with twitter,” sighs reader Paul Black. “I nearly choked on my #brown.”