THE SNP sent out its usual posse of bullies to denigrate Dr Lisa Cameron last week following her defection to the Conservatives. Dr Cameron’s flight wasn’t entirely unexpected, of course. 

For several years, the MP for East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow has encountered an orchestrated campaign of intimidation from inside her own party for being true to her principles. 

Dr Cameron, you see, is a Christian and in the SNP right now there are significant swathes of the party who are hostile to anyone who expresses authentic Christian beliefs.

You are either expected to keep quiet about such beliefs or to adhere to a sort of state-approved version of your faith which requires you to ditch those beliefs that fall foul of those deemed to be acceptable by the party politburo. 

In the contest for the party leadership earlier this year, Kate Forbes faced similar abuse for being a member of the Free Church of Scotland

A clear majority of the wider electorate felt she was a much more able and trustworthy candidate than Humza Yousaf. 

Nor did her sincerely held and protected religious beliefs influence her work as Finance Secretary.

This, though, wasn’t good enough for those in the SNP for whom freedom to practise your Christian faith freely is an alien concept.    

Dr Cameron incurred further wrath for criticising her fellow MPs’ support for Patrick Grady, following complaints about him by a young party researcher. 

Her decision to transfer her allegiances to the Conservatives wouldn’t have been my choice, but I respect her for it. 

Right now in Scotland only the Conservatives guarantee the right to express Christian beliefs freely. 

Cannon blasts
AMONG those sent out by SNP central command to disparage Dr Cameron was Christina Cannon, a councillor at Glasgow City Council. Following news of Dr Cameron’s defection, Ms Cannon tried some humour. 

“I’ve been a member of the SNP since 2015. I’ve never seen Lisa Cameron or heard of anything she’s achieved since being an MP … but sure a real asset to the SNP.”

Ms Cannon and those who similarly showed up to hurl imprecations at Dr Cameron are the main reason why the SNP has become a crypto party which has achieved nothing of any substance for the people of Scotland. 

Humza Yousaf couldn’t help himself being snide about Dr Cameron either, sneering that it was “probably the least surprising news frankly that I’ve had as First Minister and party leader in the last six months”. 

City’s shame
I CONFESS to missing few opportunities to promote my city. People Make Glasgow and Glasgow Makes Scotland is my motto.

Rarely have I felt any degree of shame about being Glaswegian. But I felt something approaching it when I witnessed a group of aggressive misogynists directing hate towards women delegates at the Filia conference being held in the city this week.  

Filia is Europe’s most important and influential feminist group and its decision to stage its annual conference in Glasgow is a great honour for the city. 

Yet, because it rejects the sinister and anti-women gender dogma of self-ID, it was subject to a volley of hate from gender activists gathered outside the conference venue. 

On social media, Sonya Douglas summed up the encounter thus: “In Afghanistan, women are banned from public life. 

“In Iran, women are beaten to death for showing their hair. In India, women are beheaded for dishonouring their family. And they come to Scotland to meet women and talk. And they 
get greeted by this guy singing F*** YOU.”

At Edinburgh University, meanwhile, a male academic was seen trying physically to bar entrance to a gender critical book event to a middle-aged woman. 

The SNP have achieved nothing of any substance for disadvantaged communities in Scotland. 
On their watch, however, the rights of women have been reduced. 

It’s entirely the SNP’s responsibility that threatening behaviour and violent language against women is now acceptable – and often encouraged – in Scottish public life.

This party is an embarrassment to Scotland.   

Pride of Possil
SOME good news to round off the week. Glasgow Tigers speedway team, the pride of Possilpark, became British champions following a thrilling win against Poole in Dorset.  

The Herald:

The Tigers had been rescued from oblivion by Gerry Facenna, owner of the Glasgow Tigers and a familiar presence around Possilpark where his Allied Vehicles car manufacturing plant employs 650 people.

He is also a great supporter of many community initiatives in an area bearing a disproportionate share of economic challenges.   

The Tigers’ triumph is a just reward for Mr Facenna and a source of great pride in Possilpark. 

I visited their Ashfield stadium in May for what I can only describe as the most thrilling sporting occasion I’ve attended in years. 

I have no hesitation in recommending a night out there when the season starts again next year.